Steve McCrossan, Executive Director
For weeks now, NourishNC has been planning, procuring, and preparing to respond to the possibility of schools in New Hanover County closing due to COVID-19. First and foremost, we have notified our partners in the schools that we are here to help them and their students in any way that they need us. Secondly, we will heed the advice of local leaders, school administrators, and public health officials. In the event of school closure, NourishNC is ready and able to assist the 1,245 food insecure children currently on the Backpack Program. Just like in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence, we will also strive to provide food to unenrolled families, community outreach events, and to our network of partner organizations for distribution.
We have already begun:
- Developing food distribution techniques such as drive-thru’s and online scheduling that create “social distancing”
- Promoting a culture of hand washing, sanitizing equipment, following CDC guidelines, etc.
- Procuring the supplies needed for NourishNC to effectively respond
- Working with our partners to further develop our infrastructure and capabilities
- NourishNC team members have attended multiple COVID related trainings including: Information on the Coronavirus 2019 Situation Summary (SEAHEC), Preparing for the Coronavirus: Steps for Readiness (ServeSafe), and Food Defense 101 & Food Defense Awareness (FDA)
- We are using past After Action Reviews and these 2 reports for further guidance: Food Security in a Pandemic & Distribution of Emergency Food During a Pandemic (PAHO/WHO)
How you can Help?
- You can securely donate online here or mail checks to PO Box 3235 Wilmington, NC 28406
- You can drop off donated food at our warehouse located at 601 Greenfield St. Monday-Thursday 9-5 and Friday 9-3. Food may also be shipped to 601 Greenfield Street, 28401.
- You can mail us food from our Amazon Wishlist.
- Watch our Facebook page for volunteer opportunities, Most Wanted food updates, and other ways you can help.
- Volunteers will be asked to stay home if they are feeling ill, wash their hands upon arriving at NourishNC, and to practice social distancing.
We will continue to monitor this fluid situation and respond accordingly. In times like this we always defer to our Core Values to guide us. Thank you for your support of NourishNC and the children that we serve. We cannot do it without you.
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