Steve McCrossan, Executive Director of NourishNC, was recognized as a “NC Child Hunger Hero” by No Kid Hungry NC at their annual conference in Raleigh, NC last week. The statewide award was presented by First Lady of NC, Kristen Cooper, and Congressmen David Price. McCrossan was 1 of 14 leaders selected from over 100 individuals nominated across the state. McCrossan was selected for his work expanding and adding innovative programs which fight child hunger right here in Hew Hanover County.

“There are many unsung heroes in our state working to ensure that children have the nutrition they need,” said Lou Anne Crumpler, State Director of No Kid Hungry NC. “One of the best parts of our work is getting to celebrate these professionals, educators, volunteers, and others whose work often goes under-appreciated.” McCrossan commented, “This award represents the hard work of NourishNC’s staff, board, donors, partner organizations, and amazing volunteers. It takes a village to care for our community’s children and we are thrilled to work with so many dedicated folks who care about ending child hunger.”

No Kid Hungry NC is an initiative of the UNC-Chapel Hill Center for health Promotion and Disease Prevention. It works to end child hunger by increasing access to child nutrition programs, including school breakfast, free summer meals for kids, and At-Risk Afterschool Meals. Learn more about why McCrossan was selected here.